Monday, March 22, 2010

Native American Motifs

Image provided by:
Washington Redskins

The Washington Redskins is the logo and mascot for the NFL team in America.

(Talking about the main logo from the top) The logo is of a circular enclosed logo with the Native American side profile in the middle. The logo consists of the elements shape, colour, line, texture.

To break this logo down the main element is shape, how the logo is enclosed by a golden/yellow circle which captures the native American in the middle. Second element is colour how they used the golden/yellow on the circle and use of the feather. i guess they used yellow since it was one of the first colours that native americans discovered. As well as the Maroon/brown which is depicting the colour of the skin of native American. Also they used black for the use of the outline of the mascot and the colour of the hair. They Used line to actually create texture for the logo. The way that they used that is by breaking the lines taking very sharp corners giving the texture of the feather.

The concept behind the logo is that it very tribal team by having a native american as the mascot as well as having the feathers on the left side coming off the circle. It also depicts that when they verse another team they should be considered the enemy and as a threat to other teams for when they play.

I believe that it this pretty nice logo compared to the other cultural american team logos. This shows respect to native americans how they dont depict them as a cartoony animated mascot like the Cleveland Indians, which looks demeaning.



  1. 5/10 Watch your writing style a lot more closely. Cheers, Jane

  2. You urgently need to complete the "Aboriginal Motifs" blog to gain a "C" in this subject.
